Poland is developed nowadays, many of foreign corporations opened their agencies here, thanks to our partnership in European Union. But even so, still big part of our husbandry is linked with mother lode, cause Poland has large geological layers of coal underneath.

Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
That is why still plenty of state and private mines are functioning, especially on the south area of Poland.

Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
If You are leader of business this kind You are possibly using mining equipment (mining equipment manufacturers) up there. However when You want to increase much and protect health of Your workers, You need to change it on second models often. Of course drilling machine for example is very expensive, but fortunately You do not need to purchase brand new one. There’re many of different alternatives for You to choose, it will help You spare a lot of money. First is to take vehicle into leasing. It will be totally new, but You wouldn’t paid for it, because You will only rent it each month. After couple of months or years when You still wish to use it, You may purchase it in a very affordable price. Next alternative is to purchase used mining equipment, however first You need to make certain, that it’s in really well shape. The best is to buy one into some mine, international concern. Firms like that are replacing drilling vehicles every year, also when they are operating very well. It is really great option, for the same equipment You may pay 2 times less. You may search for great deal on internet auctions, in industry category.
Nowadays mines are much more safer for the workers, thanks to advanced machines. If You like Your firm to be innovate, You have to change Your drilling machines sometimes, even used one model will be decent.