This text will point out the strongest points of particularly marriage ceremonies.
There are definitely lots positive points of getting married in a location which is related to love, passion and warm weather constantly. Some benefits are:

• You can also plan there a honeymoon – you can prevent doubling of the expenses and you can stay in the sunny place also for honeymoon.
• You can convince your family members to learn Italy or Spain better and visit here for some time. Many men and women do not want to tour and often when they find out a brilliant destination, they feel sorry that they have not travelled earlier. The marriage ceremony in that place can modify their attitude towards touring.
• You will say ‘I, do’ in warm surroundings. Occasionally, in the UK rains plenty and here is not a method to get married with no rain. Still, many of brides do not want to look like wet ducks – as a outcome, it is value to think about planning wedding in Italy or Spain.What are the disadvantages of the type of marriage?The truth is, that each thought has its positive points and disadvantages. The most powerful damaging points of the thought is definitely cash – the wedding in Venice () is more pricey then marriage in your hometown, but on the other hand, people commonly get married only once while their lifetime, so it is worth to spend a little bit more for the marriage ceremony and wedding reception.